Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sufism and Vedas

Mun tu shudam, tu mun shudi,

Mun tun shudam, tu jaan shudi.
Taakas na goyad baad azeen,
Mun deegaram tu deegari.
I have become you, and you have become me (soul),
I have become you, and you have become my body;
So that no one can say hereafter,
That you are are someone, and me someone else.
This is a loosely translated couplet of Hazrat Ameer Khusro. This signifies the relationship of self with Khuda (Allah) or God.
Now if we compare the same with sayings in the Chhandogya Upanishad verses such
1. Aham Brahmasmi: Atmana (self) is the same as Brahma, therefore I am Brahma
2. Tatvamasi: Atmana (self) is the same as Brahma.
3. Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma: All this is Brahma.
That's how close the sufi teachings and vedas are.

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