Friday, August 8, 2014

RSS and BJP- attachement and detachment

We have a great deal of evidence to show that the RSS is an organization which is in nature of a private army and which is definitely proceeding on the strictest Nazi lines, even following the technique of organization. It is not our desire to interfere with civil liberties. But training in arms of large numbers of persons with the obvious intention of using them is not something that can be encouraged.

-Jawahar Lal Nehru in his letter dated 07 December 1947 to the Chief Ministers of India, from the Book “The makers of Modern India” page no. 331

The above excerpt shows the inhibition of the Central Government about the organization called RSS.

In this LokSabha election RSS is openly supporting its political wing BJP on ideological grounds. One can infer what that ideology is. 

BJP on its website states its philosophy as-

1. Cultural Nationalism (Hindutva)

2. Integral Humanism 

Cutural Nationalism is having a national culture of the people of India.

Cultural nationalism is a form of nationalism in which the nation is defined by a shared culture. It is an intermediate position between ethnic nationalism on one hand and liberal nationalism on the other.(

Integral humanism is the political philosophy practised by the Bharatiya Janata Party and the former Bharatiya Jana Sangh of India. It was first propounded by Deendayal Upadhyaya in a brief volume entitled Integral Humanism in 1965, attempting to find a "third path" rejecting both communism and capitalism, centred on "swadeshi and decentralization. (

While integral humanism is something which can be agreed upon, I find that there are serious reservations among the people about the Cultural Nationalism. India with its diverse culture, cultural nationalism is a confused ideology. 

The basis of the constitution is individualism and that must be respected. 

Imposing views on the individuals of the country which they might not agree to and then terming them as anti-national under the cultural nationalism definition will make our society more intolerant.

Let us see what M S Golwalkar said in his book "Bunch of Thoughts" , 1966.

"There are some people who declare that they have achieved unity of Hindus, Muslims, Christians and all others on the political and economic plane. But why limit the oneness only there? Why not make it more wide and more comprehensive so as to fuse them all in the Hindu way of life, in our Dharma, and take them back as lost brothers? For those who speak of unity on the political and economic plane, we say that we stand not only for political and economic unity but also for cultural and religious unity" (from the book Makers of Modern India, page no. 376)

while some may see the above thought as the one which speaks for unification, let us see what M S Golwalkar means by religious and cultural unity.

"This is only a call and request them to understand the things properly and come back and identify themselves with the Hindu way of life in dress, customs, building homes, performing marriage ceremonies and funeral rites and such other things." (from the book Makers of Modern India, page no. 376)

This clearly talks about one culture and disrespects the cultural diversity of India. 

BJP in its manifesto has mentioned its resolve for Uniform Civil Code for equality for women by choosing the best traditions and harmonize them with the modern times. 

The Uniform Civil Code as mentioned in Article 44 of the constitution was "The State shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India", while on human rights based uniform civil code should be welcomed but it must not be a basis for the hidden agenda for a Hindu way of life in dress, customs, and marriage etc. as mentioned by Golwalkar.

BJP mentions the India First in its manifesto and if sticks to that in letter and spirit, it will be good for India. 

"BJP believes in India being one country, one people and one nation. BJP recognizes the importance of diversity in Indian society, and the strength and vibrancy it adds to the nation. The party believes in the principle of unity in diversity. India constitutes of all its' people, irrespective of caste, creed, religion or sex. It constitutes of all thecommunities - ethnic, social and cultural groups and also our culture, which is defined by tolerance and co-existence. The hallmark of India is "Unity in Diversity". It constitutes of each and every inch of our land, its natural resources and mental and physical energy we possess. It constitutes of all the institutions made in the past and present."
If BJP is able to distance itself and tries not to use the govt. as a means of bringing in the cultural revolution and leaves the job only on the RSS then it can be more regarded as the representative of all the people of the country.

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