Friday, August 8, 2014

Israel & Palestine

Why Gaza Strip is under attack and not the West Bank, while both are the part of the present Palestine State?

While the solidarity being shown with the people of Gaza Strip is entirely justified, the people must not support the rulers/govt. of Gaza Strip ( mainly Hamas, allegedly a terrorist group, they too are the nationalists as the Palestinians perceive them to be ). They have been foolish and immature in finding a peaceful resolution of the Israel Palestine Conflict and have dragged the people in shit hole. 

Present Palestine consists of West Bank and Gaza Strip and the road which connects the both is under the Israeli occupation. If people are not able to relate with it, they must consider the old east and west Pakistan example.

Now the recent attacks are mostly on the Gaza Strip and not on the West Bank. We must ask why ?

West Bank is under the rule of Al Fatah group , Palestinian National Authority (The late Yasir Arafat was its head). The Oslo Accord of 1993/95 was between the Palestine Liberation Organisation head Yasir Arafat and Israeli President Yitzhak Rabin. 

The Right Wing Israelis killed president Rabin because of their unhappiness with the Oslo Accord. The Right Wing Palestinians (read Hamas) disagreed with the decision of the Al Fatah group to renounce armed struggle. They now rule the Gaza Strip. 

My point is simple any right wing will not be happy with peace and tranquility and wage unnecessary war to justify their deeds. They create a false enemy to bring in solidarity between the people and exploit the emotions of the people. Same is true with military/intelligence led govt of Israel and with the govt. of Gaza Strip, because who does not love a WAR (military corporations love it, the rogue states loves it, stinking politicians love it and so on..) except the people and the soldiers. 

The second question is that why Arab World is silent over the tragic situation of the people in Gaza?

The support to Al Fatah group comes from the Arab World. The Al Fatah group now is not waging an armed struggle against Israel. They have accepted the ideology of the Late Yasir Arafat and respect the Oslo Accord. 

The support to Hamas group mainly comes from Iran and Syria. So, the rest of the Arab world which acts against the Iran superiority is silent, while they should at-least raise their voice. 

Now, there can be people who might agree or disagree with the Oslo Accord. But in the present situation, for the peace in the region the Hamas too should agree to the renounce the armed struggle. The Israel's claim to Palestine, their aggression, their occupation of the Palestinian territory is all wrong. But, if the faction of the Palestinian people think they will get , their legitimate claim by force they are wrong. They were once defeated in the Arab- Israel War in 1948 where there were three countries together because the USA supported the Israel and it always will. 

So, they should immediately stop this small rocket practice on Israel because it will not harm anyone in Israel but will give enough reason to Israel to attack Gaza. 

The civilians in Gaza are really unfortunate. They are caught between two extremes - One is their govt. another is Israel govt. And no one wants to stop. It is really unfortunate for people of GAZA.

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