Sunday, May 6, 2012


The view from the window was like any other summer morning. Birds were chirping on the tree outside the window, and the hawkers were selling green vegetables in different wounds.
“Wake up boy! Don’t you have to go to school?”
He woke up still finding it difficult to part his way from his dream.
Will he be able to see that place again?
He was still thinking about that garden of roses where he saw those beautiful animals.
“Your breakfast is ready boy!”
He was still in the shower when the voice of his mother disturbed the silence in his house.
He has been always a great student but his habit of getting lost in imagination has cost him high. No one believes in his stories.
On his way to his school there is a fountain. He stops there every day just to see the different colours that gets created in the fountain with the reflection of the Sun coming from the mountain. He does not like the trees much but he collects their leaves using his rod while coming back from school to feed his goats.
He keeps his rod under the big stone near the fountain. Kids at the school make fun of him that is why he does not take his rod with him.
During last winters , when the whole road was covered with snow , he was worried that he might lose his rod but to his surprise when the winter were over his rod was still there with a little rust on it. Few plants or some kind of fungi had grown on his rod.
He spent a complete hour to make his rod shine like it was before by applying oil from his garage.
His father was out of town for some business trip, and he went into his room to find the keys of the garage. Last time he did that he got a beating from his father because due to his curiosity about light, he adjusted the mirror in such way that it broke down.
Only when his mother came in between, his father left him.
“For God’s sake leave him. He is just a child.”
His mother cried after seeing his back with red marks.
Now he never enters in the garage, but that day it was necessary to open the garage to get his rod back in shape.
His home is on the side of the mountain road and it is away from the town.
His mother does all the household chores in the day and writes poems in the night when his father falls asleep.
When he was young, she used to sing her poems written for him, to make him sleep.
But after the loss in the business, when his father started drinking, the peace of the house was lost.
Now his mother does not sing for him to make his sleep.
Every morning he wakes up and goes to school. He likes the school as there he can see the different colour bulbs on the church building.
He says that these light bulbs are the Gods he has seen in his dream.
His friends don’t take him seriously. But every night in his dream he watches those Gods.
Next day his mother took him to the hospital.
“Doctor, He does not forget the places and he still watches the fountain. It pains me when I see him that he can’t see the fountain. You said that he can become normal by the medicines but now I am loosing hope.” His mother said.
“Madam, I can understand your problem. But the medicines will take their time.” Doctor replied.
He was still playing with his rod innocently and was engrossed in his thoughts, solving the puzzles of light while his own light of the eye was lost.


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